
SpecDAL is a Python package for loading and manipulating field spectroscopy data. It currently supports readers for ASD, SVC, and PSR spectrometers. SpecDAL provides useful functions and command line scripts for processing and aggregating the data.


There are three options for using SpecDAL.

  1. Python interface

    The lowest level interface is for users to import specdal as a Python module. Functions in specdal are written to operate directly on Pandas Series and DataFrames. specdal also provides classes that wrap around Pandas objects for convenience to users not familiar with Pandas.

    Users at this level are encouraged to check out the data model, Notebook examples , and the API.

  2. Command line interface

    Alternatively, users can utilize the command line scripts that specdal provides. The following scripts are currently distributed:

    • specdal_info: displays key information in a spectral file
    • specdal_pipeline: converts a directory of spectral files into .csv files and figures
  3. Graphical User Interface (GUI)

    At the highest level, SpecDAL provides a GUI that requires no programming. GUI can be handy for tasks such as outlier detection. GUI is provided as an executable, specdal_gui on Linux/Mac and specdal_gui.exe on Windows.


Check out the example Notebooks here.