
SpecDAL is available via pip (pip install specdal) or on Github. This page provides detailed walkthrough of the installation process intended for users who are not comfortable in Python environment.


  • python3
  • pip3

Install via pip

  • Stable version
$ pip3 install specdal --upgrade
  • Latest development version
$ pip3 install specdal --pre

Install from Github

SpecDAL can be found on Enspec’s Github repo. Stable release can be found on master branch and the development version on dev branch.

Github walkthrough

  1. Open terminal or Git-bash and navigate to the desired directory, ~/specdal for this demo.

    cd ~/specdal

  2. The following command will clone the SpecDAL’s Github repository.

    $ git clone

    You’ll notice a new subdirectory SpecDAL with the source code.

  3. Install SpecDAL.

    $ cd ./SpecDAL
    $ python install

Install in development mode

If you’d like to modify SpecDAL’s source, it’s useful to install the package in development mode.

  • Install in development mode

    $ python develop
  • Modify the source and run/test it.

  • Uninstall development mode

    $ python develop --uninstall