Specdal Pipeline Script

Specdal provides a command line script specdal_pipeline for batch processing of spectral data files in a directory. A typical input to specdal_pipeline is a directory containing spectral files (i.e. .asd files), which will be converted into .csv files and figures of spectra. User can provide arguments to customize the processing operations (i.e. jump correction, groupby) and output (i.e. .csv file of group means). This page describes the usage and provides examples.


usage: specdal_pipeline [-h] [--proximal_reference PATH] [-o PATH]
                        [-op PREFIX] [-of] [-od] [-oi] [-i {slinear,cubic}]
                        [-is SPC] [-s {mean,median,min,max}] [-j {additive}]
                        [-js WVL [WVL ...]] [-jr REF] [-g] [-gs S]
                        [-gi [I [I ...]]] [-gmean] [-gmedian] [-gstd]
                        [-fstd wl0 wl1 n_std [wl0 wl1 n_std ...]]
                        [-fthresh wl0 wl1 LO HI [wl0 wl1 LO HI ...]] [-fwhite]
                        [-fg method] [-fo set] [-yl ymin ymax] [-q] [-f]

Command Line Arguments

positional arguments:
INPUT_PATH directory containing input files
optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

--proximal_reference PATH
directory containing proximal reference spectral files
-o PATH, --output_dir PATH
directory to store the csv files and figures
-op PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
option to specify prefix for output dataset files

-of, --omit_figures option to omit output png figures

-od, --omit_data option to omit output csv files

-oi, --omit_individual
option to omit output of individual csv file for each spectrum file
-i {slinear,cubic}, --interpolate {slinear,cubic}
specify the interpolation method. method descriptions can be found on scipy docs: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.19.1/reference/generated/scipy.interpolate.interp1d.html
-is SPC, --interpolate_spacing SPC
specify desired spacing for interpolation in nanometers
-s {mean,median,min,max}, --stitch {mean,median,min,max}
specify overlap stitching method; not necessary if data at detector edges does not overlap
-j {additive}, --jump_correct {additive}
specify jump correction method;
-js WVL [WVL ...], --jump_correct_splices WVL [WVL ...]
wavelengths of jump locations
-jr REF, --jump_correct_reference REF
specify the reference detector (e.g. VNIR is 1, SWIR1 is 2)

-g, --group_by create groups using filenames``

-gs S, --group_by_separator S
specify filename separator character to define groups
-gi [I [I ...]], --group_by_indices [I [I ...]]
specify the indices of the split filenames to define a group

-gmean, --group_mean calculate group means and append to group figures

-gmedian, --group_median
calculate group median and append to group figures

-gstd, --group_std calculate group standard deviation and append to group figures

-fstd wl0 wl1 n_std [wl0 wl1 n_std ...], --filter_std wl0 wl1 n_std [wl0 wl1 n_std ...]
Remove spectra from dataset with a pct_reflect over n_std away from the mean between wavelengths wl0 and wl1. Can specify multiple sets of wavenumber ranges and thresholds
-fthresh wl0 wl1 LO HI [wl0 wl1 LO HI ...], --filter_threshold wl0 wl1 LO HI [wl0 wl1 LO HI ...]
Remove spectra from the dataset with a pct_reflect outside (LO,HI)in the wavenumber range wl0 wl1. Can specify multiple sets of wavenumber ranges and thresholds
-fwhite, --filter_white
Remove white reference spectra from dataset
-fg method, --filter_group method
How to combine the wavelengths selected by –filter_group.
-fo set, --filter_on set
What subset of the data to apply filter on (collection, group or both)
-yl ymin ymax, --ylim ymin ymax
Force the y axis of plots to display between ymin and ymax

-q, --quiet

-f, --force if output path exists, remove previous output and run


For a description of all command line arguments: specdal_pipeline --help.

To produce an individual plot and textfile for every spectrum file in directory /path/to/spectra/ and store the results in specdal_output/: specdal_pipeline  -o specdal_output /path/to/spectra/

To only output whole-dataset images and files: specdal_pipeline  -oi -o specdal_output /path/to/spectra/

To only output images, with no data files: specdal_pipeline  -od -o specdal_output /path/to/spectra/

To group input files by the first 3 underscore-separated components of their filename (such that foo_bar_baz_001.asd and foo_bar_baz_002.asd will appear in one group, and foo_bar_qux_001.asd in another): specdal_pipeline -g -gi 0 1 2 -- /path/to/spectra/

To also output the mean and median of every group of spectra: specdal_pipeline -g -gi 0 1 2  -gmean -gmedian /path/to/spectra/

To remove all white reference spectra from the output dataset (leaves input files intact): specdal_pipeline --filter_white /path/to/spectra/

Filtering (WIP)

specdal_pipeline also provides the option to automatically filter spectra out of the dataset. This feature is not fully tested and may cause issues.

To remove all spectra with a 750-1200 nm reflectance that is greater than 1 standard deviation from the mean, or with a 500-600 nm reflectance that is greater than 2 standard devations from the mean:

specdal_pipeline --filter_std 750 1200 1 500 600 2  -- /path/to/spectra/

To perform the filtering above, and then group the remaining spectra by filename:

specdal_pipeline --filter_std 750 1200 1 500 600 2 -g -gi 0 1 2 /path/to/spectra/

To group the spectra by filename, and then perform filtering on each group:

specdal_pipeline --filter_std 750 1200 1 500 600 2 -g -gi 0 1 2  --filter_on group /path/to/spectra/